Announcement Made At the Blog of
“The Aquarian Theosophist” in
February 2012
Readers may be interested to hear there are some
changes coming. In dialogue with the
editors of, and it is agreed they will be editing the AQT from the
March 2012 edition onwards, with the full and the most friendly support of the
existing editors who will maintain an oversight and advisory role.
Since Jerome Wheeler in LA commenced the AQ in November 2000 the editorial
policy in general has continued as it started - that of reporting from around
the world on the events according to the premises of the original theosophical
tenets and ideals, and to do it in as an unvarnished and unaltered state as
within the editors’ powers.
To that extent this policy may be expected to remain thus, but it should be
said the new editors will have it fully in their gift to make any changes to
that policy as best fits their interpretation of how to bring about the
popularization of this great theosophical philosophy and its ethics, which are
so badly in need of practical application today as we pass through this
sometimes bumpy period of transition.
So let us ask you to join us in wishing them fine discrimination and energy
- the most potent of combinations “Viraga and Virya” - in the new task.
The AQ Editor, February 17, 2012.
[Will Windham, from London, UK]